
And let your breath take you farther
Than you have ever known

It will guide you deeper and deeper
To the silence that lies within

And in that silence
You will find out
Who you are

You are divine in nature
A perfect construct
Nothing could be more complete
Than creation itself

When you come to find
The Great Spirit that lies within
You will find
Your strength

You will be noble in action
And kind in deed

You will stand up for those
Who cannot stand up for themselves

You will see this spirit
Reflected in all things

And it will teach you
To give
Without question
To help
Without reason

And to be grateful
For all that you have been given

When you follow your breath
You will never be led astray

On the path to fulfillment
Your breath will lead the way

Get The Book!

Unity is a poetry book about a new way of being so that you can find peace, love, and harmony within. This book is for those who are ready to find the light in their soul.

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