Dark Sky Arena

Lightning surges
And cracks across the sky
As dark clouds roll in
Where the eagles fly

This is the dark sky arena
Where the champion is crowned
Where thunder booms
And reverberates all around

As the wind howls
And the storm is brewing
The sage observes
What the people are doing

Panicking and rioting
Consumed in fear
Why do we torture ourselves
Year after year

With the same panicked thoughts
That race through the mind
How can we learn to see
And stop being so blind

To the dark forces
That permeate the land
Hammering us with fear
Until we can no longer stand

Making us kneel
And grovel like slaves
To serve the master
Until we lie in our graves

How can we learn
To rise up and fight
To stand up for love
And do what is right

No longer controlled
By corporate rule
To follow the masses
Is the path of the fool

Always being told
What you need
So that you can consume
With mindless greed

Why do we let them
Control our minds
Manipulate our fears
And make us blind

To the divine light
That lies within us all
Will we realize this
Or will humanity fall

To the rule of those
Who wield power and control
Can we go within
And learn to become whole

No longer controlled
By the media’s lies
We can choose for ourselves
We are all wise

When we learn to listen
To our own intuition
We can go within
And discover our mission

The purpose that we have
To fulfill in this life
So that we can serve the planet
And end the strife

That we feel inside
As it tears us apart
When will we decide
To make a fresh start

To start a new chapter
Open a blank page
To follow the guidance
Like the wisest sage

Who has seen the storm
That has come before
Who knows how to weather
What we have in store

There is no reason
To have fear and doubt
When you learn to surrender
You will know what this is all about

There is a war being waged
By those you cannot see
Manipulating our minds
So we can never be free

To overcome the forces
Of fear and control
You must go within
And listen to your soul

It will guide you through
This time of change
As the old paradigm falls
And life begins to rearrange

Into something beautiful
Into something new
So that love can rule the planet
And all that we do

It is time to rise
With a heavenly force
And help humanity
Chart a new course

As you enter the arena
And jump into the fray
Listen to your heart
Let it guide the way

And lead you through
The shadows in the dark
So that you can recognize
The divine spark

That lies within
All of creation
It’s time to evolve
And change our situation

So that all of us can live
Happy and whole
Find joy in life
Pursue a different goal

And see the planet
Aligned as One
As the clouds part
With the light of the Sun

Illuminating the Earth
Making it a home
We no longer have
To walk alone

This divine light
Lies within you
Let it guide your actions
And show you what is true

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Shiva is a poetry book about navigating the fires of personal transformation so that you can step into who you were born to be. For those who are going through major life changes and challenges.

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