Gene Keys

How can we expand
The consciousness in our body
So the light can shine
Through the wisdom of the nadis

Allowing the energy
Of creation to form
A new reality
Birthed into form

So that others can know
The truth of the light
It is time to rise
And illuminate the night

For all the darkness
And suffering you face
Will help you to find
Courage and grace

So that you can know
Who you truly are
Born from the light
The wisdom of the stars

This energy courses
And flows through your veins
Allowing you to activate
Genetic chains

Sequences of light
In your DNA
Will begin to activate
And show you the way

To the beautiful new
We will learn to create
As we begin to travel
Through the Telurris stargate

And activate a new
Frequency for Earth
There are many now
Who will find their worth

And learn to see
Themselves as light
So that they can then
Do what is right

And fulfill the mission
They had when they came
But remember the experience
Is all a game

That can be dissolved
With a luminous heart
Or the utter hilarity
Of a massive fart

Learn to let go
Of all the false pretenses
So that you can relax
And lower your defences

And trust that life
Has a plan for you
Let the universe guide you
To find what is true

And you will know
How to find your center
So that you can make space
For spirit to enter

And imbue your body
With the energy and form
The genetic sequences
So that you can transform

Into who it is
You truly are
Like the notes strummed
On the strings of a guitar

The space that lies
Between the sound
Will connect you with
The plants in the ground

So that you can breathe
One with The Mother
The force of energy
That loves like no other

You will find yourself
Anchored in the ground
Connect to the heartbeat
The cosmic sound

Resonate out
The sacred OM
Connect with Earth
This is your home

Even if it’s only
A temporary space
We need you to help us
Rise with grace

So we can be
Who we were born to be
Give us the courage to see
How we can be free

Transcend the space
Of the material world
And you will witness
The mystery unfurled

No longer hidden
In ancient tomes
The wisdom of the universe
Lies in your bones

And every cell
Within your body
Can help you discover
The light of samadhi

So that you can find
The oceans of bliss
Know there is no way
That you can miss

When you focus on
Dissolving your mind
That traps you into thinking
You’re being kind

But actions of kindness
Don’t come from the mind
It just tricks us
And makes us blind

To the internal wisdom
We hold within our cells
To activate the water
That lies deep in the wells

The dark scary ones
That we like to hide
We need to learn
To let go of our pride

So that we can see
Both sides and positions
If we want to end
All the division

And connect to the light
That lies in our core
So that we curb our desire
To always want more

We will learn to find
The power of peace
And the violence we wreak
Will begin to cease

When we no longer
Identify with the mind
We will no longer
Be so blind

To the path of the heart
Laid out before us
To make sure this journey
Will never bore us

And that is why
We learn to trust
Because one day
This Earth will be dust

All we can do
Is be our best
Especially when life
Puts us to the test

And now it’s time
To overcome your fear
Fulfill your purpose
It’s why you are here

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Quantum is a poetry book about manifesting a new reality for ourselves, and the planet. For those who are ready to attract, manifest, and magnetize all that they desire.

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