How can we live our life
In eternal peace
When will we allow
The violence to cease
So that we can find
Purity and love
The grace of the divine
The light from above
We all have
Our own path to walk
Where will you be
When death starts to knock
This journey is here
For you to live
Find the love in your heart
And learn to give
This is the highest teaching
The Lemurians share
Unconditional love
Is found in prayer
Let go
Of the need to control
Surrender to the divine
And you become whole
By letting go
Of the need to force
You allow nature
To take its course
Flowing like a river
Down to the ocean
Detach from your thoughts
Let go of the commotion
Then you will exist
In the present state
Where you can stop the violence
And end the hate
Changing the things
You tell yourself
So that you can discover
The greatest wealth
Is not found
In the money in the banks
Bow your head
And learn to give thanks
For the beautiful experience
That life can be
When you practice gratitude
You become free