Book An Oracle Reading

Get Clear Channeled Guidance To Heal And Transform Your Life

What To Expect During Your Oracle Reading

45 Minute Healing Session

Sessions are 45 minutes long to facilitate deep transformation within your being...

Book An Online Session

Book an online healing session and connect over Google Meet...

Channeled Guidance

Get channeled guidance from your spirit guides, angels, and your higher self...


Receive clear communication from crossed over loved ones, and the messages of your soul...

Clear Intuitive Guidance

Get clear intuitive guidance on how you can transform and heal your life...

Heart Centered Approach

Dive deep in heartfelt conversation with a healer who will listen...


"Highly Recommended As A Gifted Healer"

Justin and I had a lovely session with guided meditation and energy healing. He put me at such ease and was extremely easy to talk to and has such a kind, welcoming and warm energy about him. Afterwards, I felt calm and relaxed for the first time in a long time, even my husband commented about how at peace I seemed! I would highly recommend him as a gifted healer.

- Leslie Nelson


"Moving Forward Centered, Aware, And Peaceful"

I am so very grateful for Justin and all that he encompasses. Being faced with the impending death of my husband, I went into a state where everything I had learned slipped away from me. I was treading water in a dark stormy ocean. Increasingly anxious and emotionally labile I was spinning out of control. Then I was provided the opportunity to have a session with Justin. He guided me through seeing, accepting, forgiving and releasing energetic ties that were not beneficial to my being. I have been able to go forward centered, aware and at peace.

- Tracey Bruins

Book An Oracle Reading

Get Clear Channeled Guidance To Heal And Transform Your Life

How I Started Channeling...

You might be wondering how I started channeling…

For many years I didn’t realize I was channeling, and when people started calling me a channel I had a really hard time accepting it…

It first started when I wrote a poem for a friend who had just gone through tremendous loss…

Her mom had just passed away and they had a deep bond to each other. He passing was very sudden and unexpected, I remember seeing her just a few weeks before in her crystal store…

When this happened I wanted to help and support her. I was feeling a lot of intense emotions around the experience and the feeling of deep loss, sadness, and grief…

I decided to write her a poem to help her release and let go of her mom…

Before I sat down to write I sat in meditation and I asked her mom to be present and if there were any words she wanted to share as I wrote this message for her daughter…

When I started writing the poem I was creating stanzas that made no sense…

I even remember stopping multiple times and asking my intuition: “Is this really what you want me to say?”

As I was writing it it didn’t make much sense, but I trusted intuition and spirit to guide me…

I gave the poem to her partner at the time and asked if he could deliver it for me as she wasn’t seeing any visitors during this period of extreme grief…

When I finally saw her a few weeks later she was amazed at what I had written. She told me: “The words you used in that poem were the exact words my mom would use when speaking to me…”

It completely blew her mind and she told me my channel must be completely open and clear to receive messages like that. What really amazed me was that I had never met her mom or talked to her before, I had seen her working at the crystal shop, but I had never had any interaction with her…

From that point on I became a trusted friend, and she was the one who started calling me a channel…

After that I had another friend and teacher who is very involved in online spiritual communities tell me that I was the clearest channel she had ever met. It was a huge compliment as she knew a lot of different channelers, and was also a channeler herself…

So after that happened I decided that maybe I was a channeler. For a while I was worried about accepting it because I didn’t want my ego to get in the way of my work…

As I looked back on my writing over the years I realized that I had been channeling for a really long time without even knowing it…

It was powerful and profound and it taught me that what I did had value, and that by being pure and clear I was able to create the bridge between this physical world and the world of spirit to bring messages through from various different collectives and beings…

Most famous channelers channel one being and focus exclusively on that…

I’ve been able to channel hundreds of beings, collectives, angels, and star races throughout my time as a channel…

I saw the huge transformation it can make time and time again with family, friends, and clients…

Sometimes there is so much magic when we get the right message at the right time and it can open doors we didn’t even know existed…

As I’ve stepped more into my angelic essence and my angel light I learned that angels are messengers of God, and I feel like this is part of the reason I have been given this gift…

I am here to be a messenger to guide people to awaken their divine light and step forward towards their soul mission and life purpose…

Book An Oracle Reading

Get Clear Channeled Guidance To Heal And Transform Your Life


"A Gifted Multi-Dimensional Healer And Guide"

Justin has a gift of healing through his words and poetry – seemingly simple phrases and prose land deeply within the psyche to enable profound shifts, bypassing the ego with compassion. 

He is also a gifted multi-dimensional healer and guide, and offers the most profound meditations I’ve ever encountered and his sessions can be a meditative journey. If you’ve been touched by his spiritual prose, do yourself a favor and work with him personally and receive the gifts your soul has been longing for you to receive.

- Cami Esser


"His Insights Are Powerful And Spot On!"

We are on this journey often wondering why we are here and what our purpose is knowing we are all here at this transformational time right now for what the world and the planet are going through. Knowing our purpose is so important  as each of us is a puzzle piece with our own unique talents and gifts so that we can together co-create heaven on earth. To give, to love, to serve and be kind is good for us to know and act on but getting more clarity around our special gifts and what next steps will keep us on path is urgent. One of Justin’s special gifts is writing poetry and his insights are powerful and spot on.

- Judy W.


"Highly Recommended For Healing Sessions"

I did get a chance to experience a session a couple of weeks ago and it was really beneficial. I enjoyed the way you used a few different modalities combined with your unique style. Would highly recommend a healing session with you. And I’m excited to read your poetry as well. Thanks so much for sharing.

- Teresa Marino


"Authentic And Empathetic"

Justin has a calming presence and I was immediately at ease speaking with him. His empathy and authenticity speaks for itself. He helped me work through some self worth beliefs and removed some tech from my body. I totally felt lighter after our session. He also inspired me to write more and shared a piece of his writing with me that really hit home. I recommend a session with him as he has the most kind soul and I truly feel his purpose is to help people.

- Heather Robitaille

Book An Oracle Reading

Get Clear Channeled Guidance To Heal And Transform Your Life

Just $195!

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"A Gifted Multi-Dimensional Healer And Guide"

Justin has a gift of healing through his words and poetry – seemingly simple phrases and prose land deeply within the psyche to enable profound shifts, bypassing the ego with compassion. 

He is also a gifted multi-dimensional healer and guide, and offers the most profound meditations I’ve ever encountered and his sessions can be a meditative journey. If you’ve been touched by his spiritual prose, do yourself a favor and work with him personally and receive the gifts your soul has been longing for you to receive.

- Cami Esser