For People Feeling Abandoned, Betrayed, And Alone...

Overcome Separation And Live In Unity With The Poetry Library!

Get Access To Hundreds Of Channeled Poems And Connect With The Truth In Your Soul!

How I Healed The Wound Of Separation And Found Unity Within...

Since the moment I was born I experienced separation…

We all do in a sense when we are separated from our mothers, but my experience was different than most…

When I was born I was two months premature, and I had a twin brother, Jason. After only nine days on Earth Jason decided to go…

Losing my twin brother after only nine days was a major loss for me. During this time and for my first ninety days on Earth I was also kept in an incubation chamber away from all human contact, including my mom in an effort to help me survive…

Needless to say this experience created a deep level of trauma and anxious attachment that has followed me throughout my life…

This familiar story of feeling abandonment, separation, and loneliness has been a recurring theme throughout my life in almost every way…

Throughout my childhood there were countless times during elementary and high school where I lost all of my friends, suddenly and without warning…

A few years ago I lost my dad to cancer…

But the event that really changed my life forever was losing the first love of my life…

At the time I was a young adult and I thought I had met ‘the One’…

The woman who would complete me…

The woman who would make me whole…

The person I wanted to marry and spend the rest of my life with…

And when she decided to leave me it was the most soul crushing, heart wrenching feeling of loneliness I have ever experienced in my life!

I was deep in darkness and despair, and utterly and horribly alone…

As I was growing up what I wanted more than anything else was a partner who I could love, and who would also love me…

I was so attached to the idea of falling in love and feeling that connection again after the loss of Jason, but in my desperation it evaded me…

After that experience of heartbreak and loss it set me on a new journey, a spiritual one…

At the time I was devastated, and so alone and then by some stroke of luck I found yoga…

Yoga was the medicine that saved my life at a time when I had nothing left to give…

I started going to yoga classes, and during my second class I had a huge emotional release. I was crying and crying and I couldn’t stop. The tears were flowing like an endless river…

After that class I knew there was so much more to yoga than just stretching and getting fit…

I dove deep in my spiritual studies and I found that the root of the word yoga means ‘to yoke’, to bring together, to unite…

This was the beginning of understanding the nature of what I had been through on a spiritual level…

I had faced so much separation in life, and now I was devoted to a practice that would bring me into unity, the true calling of my soul…

This didn’t require a partner, or friends, but a deep relationship with myself and the spiritual forces of the universe…

This understand led me deeper down the rabbit hole as I searched for enlightenment and the ultimate connection with ‘All That Is’…

I wanted so badly to have this experience of enlightenment, to connect to the Source, and to experience that deep sense of unity within myself and all beings…

After many years of disciplined practice, scriptural study, and devoting myself to the path of yoga I got to experience the enlightened state for myself…

I was working deeply with my guru Lord Shiva, the creator of yoga…

I asked him to dissolve me until only love remained…

Then one evening, under the light of the full moon, I uttered the sacred mantra “Om Shiva Shankara Hari Hari Ganja” which translates to Shiva grant me infinity through this sacred herb…

I then sat down to meditate and had the most powerful spiritual experience I’ve ever had!

I saw asteroids flying by me, and a metallic angel’s voice that said “activate your inner fire”. I was then in a space of infinite oneness and light. I was no longer my body, just conscious awareness of my connection with everything that exists. I had returned back to the light of Source…

Starting to feel panicked at how miraculous this was, I returned back to my body…

This time I wanted to go back with more intention so I decided to close my eyes and I went to the space between the breath…

Here it was complete blackness and nothingness, the void of all creation…

In this space I heard a voice that said “You are God, you are One with All, God lies within you!” I sat here for what felt like an eternity without taking a breath, and then I returned to my body…

The experience had shown me the extreme opposites of duality, infinite light, and infinite dark, and the balance that we find between them…

It was an experience of complete unity…

Before my awakening experience I had promised Shiva that if he awakened me, I would do the same for others…

Ever since then I’ve dedicated my life to helping people move through separation and experience unity…

One of the gifts that was activated in me after this kundalini awakening was the ability to channel…

I’ve been channeling messages from angels, ascended masters, star beings, crossed over loved ones, and spirit guides for many years…

Throughout these channelings and messages the core themes that have always come through were about unity, oneness, and realizing your divinity…

My poetry is the medium where I channel and express the depths of my soul in the most authentic way that I can…

It’s also the way I’ve been guided to share the messages from all of my spiritual teachers on the Earth plane, and beyond…

It’s how I connect to the deepest aspects of myself, and it’s how I’ve decided to inspire millions to connect back to their true self so that they can uncover the light in their soul…

I know how it feels to be alone, abandoned, and betrayed…

I also know that we can heal and shift this by transforming our perspective and learning how to come into oneness and unity with our experience, and with ourselves…

If you’re ready to connect to all that you are, and all that you came here to be I’d invite you to experience the poetry library…

It’s a collection of hundreds of channeled poems and it contains all my published work to date, with new books being added as they are released…

If you’re ready to overcome separation and live in unity these poems will guide you to connect with the light in your soul!

Overcome Separation And Live In Unity With The Poetry Library!

Get Access To Hundreds Of Channeled Poems And Connect With The Truth In Your Soul!

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"Amazing Collection!"

I love all of Justin’s books as they are all powerful reminders of who we all are as soul beings, and why we are here on this planet. Whether you’re looking for guidance on your personal journey, or need an energetic pick me up, Justin’s work is full of activating, empowering, and amazing inspiration.

- Amanda


"Healing Through His Words And Poetry"

Justin has a gift of healing through his words and poetry – seemingly simple phrases and prose land deeply within the psyche to enable profound shifts, bypassing the ego with compassion. 

He is also a gifted multi-dimensional healer and guide, and offers the most profound meditations I’ve ever encountered and his sessions can be a meditative journey. If you’ve been touched by his spiritual prose, do yourself a favor and work with him personally and receive the gifts your soul has been longing for you to receive.

- Cami Esser

Overcome Separation And Live In Unity With The Poetry Library!

Get Access To Hundreds Of Channeled Poems And Connect With The Truth In Your Soul!

The Inspiration Behind The Poetry...

Throughout the entire process of writing poetry my intention has always been powerfully focused on creating Unity in the world, and helping others awaken their own divine light so that they can discover the truth within their soul…

It wasn’t until just a few years ago that I realized that I was channeling angels, masters, and spirit guides the whole time…

The prose I’ve channeled is powerfully healing and will help you align to who you truly are! This poetry will help you connect to the truth in your soul so that you can step forward as a healer, a lightworker, a starseed, and a leader of the New Earth…

This poetry is for those who have a mission of awakening the world, and bringing Unity to Earth!

If you’re ready to step into all that you are, and all that you came here to be the poetry library will align you fully to your mission, your passion, and your divinity so that you can be a powerful force of healing in our world…

I’ve put my heart and soul into every poem I’ve written to help the planet awaken and heal, and together we will rise in Unity!


"Amazingly Beautiful!"

Amazingly beautiful! Lots of sobbing tears as it hit home. The code from your tones feels like an echo with warm renewing vibrations. It is very pure. Thank you so much! It is a beautiful treasure! 

- Anita Kepner


"Healing Medicine For The Soul!"

The poetry and talent in these divine books are such healing medicine for the soul. Absolutely beautiful! Everyone should have the whole set.

- Ashley

Overcome Separation And Live In Unity With The Poetry Library!

Get Access To Hundreds Of Channeled Poems And Connect With The Truth In Your Soul!

About The Author

Justin Wesenberg is an international bestselling author of new age poetry. His mission is to help you awaken your divine light so that we can raise the consciousness of the planet and create Unity on Earth.

His books are for soul seekers who want to find unity, freedom, awakening, self realization, transformation, enlightenment, claim their inner goddess, manifest a new reality, and unlock the ancient wisdom that lies within!

When he’s not writing he loves to spend time in the mountains hiking, climbing, skiing, and meditating in the peace of nature.


"His Words Speak To Your Soul"

Justin has an uncanny ability to see just what you need to take movement in your life. He feels so inviting like you are sitting around the kitchen table safe, comfortable speaking with someone very close to home. His words speak to your soul. Utter excitement and synchronicities occur every time I read his writing. Hearing the tones coming through his audio I was able to feel the words coming through viscerally. Highly recommend.

- Sarah Hudson


"His Insights Are Powerful And Spot On!"

We are on this journey often wondering why we are here and what our purpose is knowing we are all here at this transformational time right now for what the world and the planet are going through. Knowing our purpose is so important  as each of us is a puzzle piece with our own unique talents and gifts so that we can together co-create heaven on earth. To give, to love, to serve and be kind is good for us to know and act on but getting more clarity around our special gifts and what next steps will keep us on path is urgent. One of Justin’s special gifts is writing poetry and his insights are powerful and spot on.

- Judy W.

Overcome Separation And Live In Unity With The Poetry Library!

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"Amazing Collection!"

I love all of Justin’s books as they are all powerful reminders of who we all are as soul beings, and why we are here on this planet. Whether you’re looking for guidance on your personal journey, or need an energetic pick me up, Justin’s work is full of activating, empowering, and amazing inspiration.

- Amanda


"Absolutely Beautiful!"

The poetry and talent in these divine books are such healing medicine for the soul. Absolutely beautiful! Everyone should have the whole set.

- Ashley


"His Words Speak To Your Soul"

Justin has an uncanny ability to see just what you need to take movement in your life. He feels so inviting like you are sitting around the kitchen table safe, comfortable speaking with someone very close to home. His words speak to your soul. Utter excitement and synchronicities occur every time I read his writing. Hearing the tones coming through his audio I was able to feel the words coming through viscerally. Highly recommend.

- Sarah Hudson