Star Walker

You are one
With all of creation
And this is how
You change your vibration

To change the state
Of internal frequency
To create a new reality
So that you can be free

From all the limitation
And all of the fear
Trust yourself
The answers are clear

And if you don’t know
Which way to turn
Ask yourself
What have I learned

How can I share
All that I know
To help others expand
And learn to grow

Beyond the limitations
They have in their mind
To release the past
The ties that bind

To grow into who
We are becoming
To stop all the negativity
And mindless numbing

Why is it
That we feel so trapped
With all of our energy
Constantly being tapped

By those that wish
To enslave and control
They disconnect us from
The light in our soul

This is the space
Where we come to know
Our connection to all
So that we can grow

Into the beings
That we came here to be
So that we can show others
What it means to be free

By learning to control
The energy in your field
You will come to understand
The power you wield

To claim your sovereignty
As a being of light
And guide the way
Through the dark of the night

You are here to be
A wayshower and a guide
Now is the time
You can no longer hide

It is time
To express yourself
So that we can come together
And return to health

This world is going
Through tremendous change
And polarities are beginning
To rearrange

The quantum dream
That humanity holds
As we learn to break
Out of the molds

That society has created
To keep us small
You need to be strong
And give it your all

This world will not change
Through hope and belief
Start taking action
And let go of the grief

All the negativity
Is poison that you carry
And letting go
Can be kinda scary

What will it feel like
On the other side
When you take action
You can no longer hide

Behind the charade
That you are not enough
Or that your worth is defined
By all of your stuff

Connect to the light
That lies in your soul
This will show you
What it means to feel whole

One and complete
With all of creation
It’s time to rise
And heal the nation

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Gaia is a poetry book about claiming your inner goddess and finding your truth. For those who are ready to step fully into themselves and their radiant feminine energy.

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