The yogi that travelled
From East to West
So we could go within
And do our best
To live a life
Of love and peace
When will the violence stop
When will the hatred cease
When we can see
All beings as One
We illuminate the planet
Like the glowing sun
No more suffering
No more pain
No one has to lose
So that you can gain
Life is not
A competitive race
When will you give up the madness
And stop the chase
Trying to find
Your next fix
And falling for all
The latest tricks
Distracting you
From your true form
Know that it is from the Light
That you are born
You are a cosmic creation
From the Universal Source
Understand this law
And you will no longer force
The way that you believe
The world should be
Set the example
So that others can see
Their unlimited nature
Their true Self
Know that in Spirit
You find infinite wealth
This is what
The highest yogi’s teach
In order to manifest
You must watch your speech
Let your words
Bless our ears
So that we can dissolve
Our greatest fears
About how we
Are never enough
Filling the void
By buying more stuff
Constantly consuming
With no end in sight
Terrified to face
The Eternal Night
Know that death
Cannot destroy the soul
You will be given another chance
To fulfill your role
But while you’re here
Why not do your best
So when your body lays down
Your soul can rest